
Having lived and worked in London, France, Portugal, Brazil, South Africa, Hong Kong and the US. Nicholas is now based in the UK at his studio in the New Forest. Still working on an international scale and spending half his time exploring, learning and experiencing the world, and the other half developing what he has experienced at his home studios. Nicholas works in multiple disciplines; painting, sculpture, landscape and spatial architecture, set design and public art. Gaining a balance from the opposing forces each one wields. His interest in art was from a very young age in the creation of images of the natural world and fantasy environments. The ability to create versions of the real world through art captivated him. Nick is an innately conceptual artist with the ability to see his wildest ideas through to reality. His vision is proving boundless as he moves from painting and sculpture to complex set design. Within his latest Studio, Nick exhibits his varied work as an Artist and Designer. Creating intricately immersive worlds for guests to enter for the day, night or week. Nick’s work allows a rare and beautiful escape. Often leaving you feeling like you have fallen headfirst into a dream. All the time acutely aware that the urban streets surround you, but too far from them to care. With credible sources of training from degrees in Fine Art and Arts and Events Production from the AUB.  To regenerative and circular business model courses from Cambridge University. Nick is continuing to prove himself as a pioneer in conceptual design. There is an endless breadth to his growing portfolio that shows his unlimited vision. Working with reputable global clients both in the music and arts festivals, household brand names and private clients. Nicholas, has been working as creative director, lead designer and commissioned artist, is proving to be a powerhouse of creativity of which Secret Garden Party and Lovebox was a yearly reminder of. Nick offers an intrinsically perceptive and playful view of the world. His paintings and photography serve to show his thoughtful contemplation that later makes way for the combustion of energy thrown into his set design. Having had over 20 solo and combined exhibitions of his works in the last 21 years throughout the world and commissions from the Arts Council of England and competition-winning entries for the LAGI. His last exhibition was a Solo show in Lisbon Portugal. A year in the making, creating 7 portrait triptychs using multiple disciplines and techniques.

Nicholas is now fully engaged in the creative problem-solving of how we can live in balance with our environment. As a co-founder of a regenerative agroforestry farm in Brazil, Nicholas is applying his design and creative logistical knowledge and experience to this new endeavor.


Please get in contact to discuss project needs. Quotes are based on the work required.

TEL: +44(0)7886348230 (I am on WhatsApp)


3D Design

  • Concept creation and development

  • 3D modeling and visualisations

  • Client design sheets and presentations

  • Construction drawings

  • Material research and project budgeting


  • Original 2D and 3D artworks

  • Bespoke project-based commissions

  • Private commissions

  • Construction and production budgeting

Project management

  • Project and production management

  • Budget forecasting and control

  • contractor management

  • Heath and safety design and management